That Went Well is the title of a book I read years ago that had some wonderful insights into the life of a sister being the caregiver of her disabled sister. Anyone in that position, or the parent of a disabled adult will get a kick out the book I’m sure.
One thing I took from the wisdom and experience of the author was the ability to limit the people Kate can call on her cell phone. Who knew you could limit that –not me. She is only allowed to call the immediate family and her day program. If we allowed her to call everyone she knows (by the way – that numbers in the hundreds!) the phone would be ringing day and night.
If I remember the story correctly in the book, it went something like this. The authors sister got off the bus and saw a lost dog poster. It said if you see this dog (picture), call this number. Well, the sister was standing there looking at the picture of the dog, so she called the number. Can you imagine that conversation? It was a lot like the ones we have with Kate on the phone. She will call and say something like, “You got mail!” and you can ask what did I get? She will say, “This mail right here”. Or Hey Kate, what's going on? "I got a new jacket" Oh cool! What does it look like? "This one right here!" Some days it is like an Abbot and Costello conversation.
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